Release Notes
Version 14 (future)
Atfinity Version 14 brings a major revamp of our user interface! Atfinity now looks cleaner and more structured and our case manager is significantly easier to navigate. Since clients use Atfinity for more and more complex processes we put the tab navigation to the left to allow even more space to structure cases to our clients needs. We are very excited for your feedback! Don't hesitate to get in touch.
Case Manager
Provide multiple appendixes to uploaded documents
A new field type "files" allows to upload multiple files, not just one
Multiline text fields in the case manager can now be configured to adapt to the provided text length. For example, a field can initially display five lines, but, when it fills up, starts to display up to 20 lines before it starts scrolling.
Text fields come now with a set of styles to choose from and an optional condition when to display the text. A great use-case for that is custom error messages in the context of the case manager
Documents are only marked as outdated now when information on the generated document has changed. This means document outdate only when really necessary, not whenever the case is changed.
Case Manager overviews can now be configured with elaborate filters to create highly specialised overviews that only display some cases or instances. For example, you can now choose to make an overview that only displays people living in Germany.
Use rules to make queries to instances from already approved cases. This, for example, facilitates very elaborate duplicate checks.
Documents in RuLa provide access to matched instances with
The option "create missing values" has been redesigned. If set to yes, no part of a document or rule will ask questions, instead of just the condition.
Admin and API
Or management commands have been significantly reworked. They allow now to queries tenants, users, roles and groups in much more detail and can be used to easily administer these.
A new API request allows to create instances and assign roles in a single request
A new API request allows to remove multple roles from an instance in a single request
Version 12.1.4 (đĒ¨ stable)
Fixed a bug that prevented rules assigning files from executing correctly
Version 12.1.3
Fixed a bug that prevented cases with information fields of type "file" to be approved
Version 12.1.2
Fixed a bug where values didn't get assigned to Instances created using the API Request
Create case and directly transition
when the transition is the final approved state.
Version 12.1.1
We clarified out documentation about how to create and remove instances from cases and how to add and remove roles from these instances
The create instance and add role api requests now also accept ontology keys and not just ids
Version 12.1
In addition to what is mentioned here, we have been busy working on an end user wizard and an integration marketplace that we are planning gut add to 12.2.
We worked on speeding up our rule processing significantly. We optimized the way our parsers worked could make processing rules up to 90% faster than it has been. This means that putting live, calculating changes and running the rule engine with a cold cache (after putting live) should feel noticeably faster.
New field type: File With this new type you can ask users to provide answers by uploading a file. This is especially handy for workflows that resemble ticket systems.
Reordering in tables has been re-engineered and should now behave smoother
When working with ADX documents, so far, you had to put live all changes to see the rendered document. We added a quick "ADX Preview" that gives you an idea how your current ADX will be rendered.
in RuLa allows to get the days that a case has been in a certain state. It has options to discard weekend, holidays, non-working hours and if days should mean workdays (e.g. 8 hours) or natural days (24 hours)The sorting options for instances in the case manager have been amended with "newest / oldest first, ontology then role"
Version 12.0
New field type: Instance relationship Whenever you need to explicitly define the relationships between instances, you can do that now with this new field type. This works very well for situations like parent - children, company - employee or power of attorney - account.
New case manager languages: French, Serbian and Spanish
Extended support for writing systems: Arabic, Chinese (traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Thai, Armenian, Japanese, Korean and Hindi
New field type: Rich Text Field
Inline comments
New overview type: Document Overviews Use this to configure Form Libraries so relationship managers can still download single, unfilled documents if they ever need one.
New process layout item: Text When designing your case layout you can now also place text items in between the fields. Give users more context and let them know how to fill out case information the best!
Improved dashboard with graphs and more numbers
Fully configurable instance view layouts, so you can choose which fields to see per overview for People, Entities and Contracts.
Preview any generated or provided document in the case manager.
We improved the performance of our rule engine and the case manager.
For every provided document, upload an appendix with more information.
Errors and Warnings generated by RuLa can now reference fields, so it's easier for users to see what the error is about.
Subscribe to a case watchlist whenever you want to receive updates whenever a case is changed.
Time zone support: Users can use their preferred time zone and date and time information is then displayed in their time zone.
Instances in a case can now be sorted by configurable orders (e.g. by date and time of creation or by name)
Provide a rule for when a tab is read-only.
Provide a rule for when information is read-only.
Query missing fields per tab directly in RuLa, with
.Query state durations in RuLa with
.Query available users, roles and groups in RuLa
We made RuLa even more powerful with these new operators: **, //, date_equal, datetime_equal, get_translated_attr, matches (=~), months_ago, name_and_log, replace_chars, sqrt, translate_string
Booklet Upload dialog improvements:
We now display which pages are missing
Documents with missing pages can now also be force attached
Option to attach all documents
Added a general document upload endpoint to our API. Documents uploaded will be automatically attached to the right case, so API-users do not have to decide which case a document is for.
Support for Chinese, Japanese and Arabic characters on Atfinity-generated PDFs.
Remove uploaded case files
Option to not offer users a way to change the name of a case
Removed frames from editable PDFs
Configuration views can now also diplay when objects where created and updated
Tenants with active users cannot anymore be accidentally deleted
Added a way to remove the dashboard completely
When making an API call, the relevant case field will now update automatically.
Added blacklist and search profile to our ComplyAdvantage integration
Upload Individual Documents accepts outdated outdated documents by default
Unknown information in calculated boxes is not detected and creates configuration inconsistency errors
Per processes, configurators can disallow users to edit the case name themselves
If we prompt a user to login, she is redirected after login to the original destination
API Changes
The response to Retrieve Case, Create Case, Create Case With Predefined Objects, Change Field (instance and information_key), Change Field (case_field_key), Change multiple fields, Change Case Owner and Transition Case has changed to reflect the new features and the removal of the old parent-child relationship:
fields added
fields removed from
The response for Retrieve Instance, Change Instance Owner, Lock / Unlock Instance and Force Update Instance Values has a new field tabs added.
Last updated