Security Logging
In addition to other logging options, Atfinity logs security relevant actions in a special way to make it easy to detect suspicious activity. Security logging happens via the default logging mechanism.
Logging Format
A typical entry in the log for a security relevant user actions looks like this:
2021-03-16 14:34:31,581 [USER_ACTION] - ACTION update_phone_number USER IP PARAMS <QueryDict: {}> DATA {'phone_number': '+41786167706', 'tenant': 1} PATH /api/1/admin/users/26
As you can see, the date and time (2021-03-16 14:34:31,581
), the action (update_phone_number
), the performing user (
), the client IP (
) the query params (if any) the data of the change (so here the new phone number) and the local path are logged. With this information, it's possible to trace back exactly which action happened and what data has been manipulated.
If the request contains sensitive information like a password, this information is displayed with stars, e.g. ********
Logged Actions
At least these security relevant actions are logged:
Key | Description | Since version |
Login | ||
| The user that made a login requests needs a password change. | |
| Successful login. | |
| Successful login after the user changed the password. | |
Login Errors | ||
| The user that made the login request tried to login with SSO, but is only cleared for login via SSO. | |
| The user that made the login request is locked. | |
| The user provided an invalid 2FA code. | |
| The given username exists, but the user is marked as inactive. | |
| The given password doesn't match the given username. | |
| The given username is unknown. | |
Case Manager | ||
| The booklet of a case was downloaded as a PDF file. | |
| The booklet of a case was downloaded as a zip file. | |
| The booklet of a case was send via email. | |
| All the uploaded files of a case were downloaded as a zip file. | |
| The user doesn't have access to the requested case | |
Integrations | ||
| A request was sent to ComplyAdvantage. | |
| A request was sent to WorldCheck. | |
| Custom API request was sent. | |
| A request to IDNow was sent. | |
| SMS was sent. | |
| Email was sent. | |
| A search request to external data source was sent. | |
| A request to load values from external data source was sent. | |
Avaloq | ||
| Avaloq xml file was created for a case. | |
| The user has toogled the subscription to email updates about Avaloq response for a specific case. | |
| Avaloq xml file of a case was downloaded. | |
| Avaloq result xml file of a case was downloaded. | |
HyperArchive | ||
| Case documents and sidecar files were exported to HyperArchive folder. | |
| HyperArchive sidecar files of a case were downloaded. | |
Admin | ||
| User was created. | |
| Users were created while importing a user list | 10.3 |
| Roles of a user were changed. | |
| Groups of a user were changed. | |
| Password of a user was reset. | |
| Some user passwords were reset while importing a user list | 10.3 |
| Details about a user were updated. | |
| A user was deleted | 10.3 |
| Users were deleted while importing a user list | 10.3 |
| The user has switched to a different tenant. | |
Last updated